On Thursday 23 March 2023, GRRIPP hosted the second of our three international seminars: ‘Gender & Intersectional Approaches to Resilience’. The event featured projects and colleagues from all three GRRIPP regions and was also a celebration of the UCL Centre for Gender & Disaster's Fifth Anniversary. As well as the public talk, visiting GRRIPPers were involved in a range of other exciting networking activities throughout the week. Following on from our March newsletter summary, here is the full break down of activities.
DAY 1 - Monday 20th March 2023
GRRIPPers travelled from around the world and arrived in London throughout the day. Everyone met, rested a little and enjoyed an evening of dinner together.
From Latin America and the Caribbean region, the UK welcomed Moabia Ferreira dos Anjos (from Quilombo do Catuća, Brazil), Marília Nepomuceno Pinheiro (from Cosmoncleação Regenerativa, Brazil), Maria das Graças de Jesus Xavier and Yolanda Nuñez (from União de Moradia, Brazil), Claudia Cecilia Gonzalez Muzzio and Claudia Cardenas (from GRID Chile), and Lourdes Fernanda Meyreles de Ruiz (Chair of LAC Advisory Board).
From Africa, GRRIPP UK welcomed Catherine Nanzige Mbabali and Lillian Gladys (FIDA Uganda).
From South Asia, we welcomed Muhammad Awfa Islam (from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh), Kazi Khadem UI Islam Shahidullah (from Bangladesh University of Professionals), Jacquleen Joseph Thomas and Lavanya Shanbhogue (from Jamsetji Tata School of Disaster Studies, India), Muna Sharma and Chandrakala Sharma (from Tribhuvan University, Nepal), Shamim Kabir (from IEDS, Bangladesh), and Raisa Chowdhury (Regional M&E lead GRRIPP South Asia).
Photos: Projects meet for the first time (l) and enjoy dinner together (r). Credit: Shamim Kabir (l) and Maria das Graças de Jesus Xavier (r)
DAY 2 - Tuesday 21st March 2023
Activity #1 (LONDON): GRRIPPer Cross-Regional Dialogue and Presentations
This was the visiting GRRIPPers' first full day in London and their first activity focused on creativity. In a session led by Dr Louisa Acciari, all projects were asked to create something whether that be a drawing, a chart, or a compilation of words, to demonstrate how their project addresses gender, intersectionality and resilience. The groups were then asked to present their posters to the wider room.
Photo: Cross-regional presentations. Credit: GRRIPP UK
Activity #2 (LONDON): Monitoring & Evaluation Session
Led by Dr Virginie Le Masson and Dr Hanna Ruszczyk, this second workshop of the day was an interactive session focused on giving GRRIPPers the floor to discuss how they feel their project is going.
GRRIPPers were asked to stand in the middle of the room and then Virginie and Hanna took turns in asking ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions. If the answer was yes, the projects were asked to stand on the right side of the room and if ‘no’, they were asked to stand on the left. Once answered, projects were given the opportunity to discuss the reasoning behind their answers.
Some of these questions included:
~ Is there anything you would have done differently in your project?
~ Do you think that in two years’ time, the impacts of your project with remain and be visible?
~ Is the concept of gender useful to you in your everyday work?
The session concluded with a short discussion led by GRRIPP's PI Professor Maureen Fordham and GRRIPP 's Intersectionality Thematic Lead Professor Sarah Bradshaw on “how do we describe GRRIPP?”.

Photo: M&E session. Credit: GRRIPP UK
DAY 3 - Wednesday 22nd March 2023
Activity #3 (LONDON): Mapping Networks
This third activity, led by Prof. Maureen Fordham and Dr Punam Yadav, focused on networks and encouraging networking amongst the GRRIPP regions. After discussing the many forms of networks such as practice-specific networks, theory-based networks, and networks which practice in specific areas, GRRIPPers were then organised into regional groups to discuss networks important to them.
Task 1: Groups were asked to write down networks that they were a part of and aware of in their region onto sticky notes. This process is known is “free listing”.
Task 2: Groups were asked to organise the networks they mentioned into categories, whether that’s according to theme or impact i.e. local or national.
Task 3: After adding all the regions sticky notes to the large paper in the centre of the room, everyone as a group was asked to add any global networks they are a part of or are aware of.
The session led to a really great discussion with plans for future collaboration amongst GRRIPP awardees and their networks!

Photos: Networking activities with post-it notes and discussions. Credit: GRRIPP UK
Activity #4 (LONDON): Bus tour of the capital!
After a busy morning of networking, our awardees were taken on a bus tour to see all the sights of London, including the London Eye and the Houses of Parliament!

Photo: Group pic outside Big Ben during the bus tour. Credit: GRRIPP UK.
DAY 4 - Thursday 23rd March 2023
Activity #5 (LONDON): Meeting the LGBTQI+ Reference Guide Team
On Thursday morning, GRRIPP projects were invited to meet the task team working on the next volume of our Gender and Disaster Reference Guide Series. This guide will be specifically focusing on compiling literature on LGBTQI+ communities and disasters.
Attendees from the Reference Guide task team included Kevin Blanchard, Olivia Walmsley, Prof. Maureen Fordham and Jessica Roberts. Joining them were GRRIPP awardees Muhammad Awfa Islam (from Dhaka University), Kazi Khadem UI Islam Shahidullah (from Bangladesh University of Professionals), Muna Sharma and Chandrakala Sharma (from Tribhuvan University, in Nepal), Claudia Cecilia Gonzalez Muzzio and Claudia Cardenas (from GRID Chile), and Shamim Kabir (from IEDS, Bangladesh).
A great discussion ensued on the topic of LGBTQI+ and what it means to expand what we mean by “gender”. We were later joined by Disaster Risk Reduction expert, Prof. John Twigg!

Photos: GRRIPPers taking it in turns to share thoughts. Credit: GRRIPP UK.
Activity #6 (LONDON): International Seminar: Discussing Gender and Intersectional Approaches to Resilience
The big event of the week was our second international seminar, and - like the first - it was a huge success!
We were joined by 45 people in-person and 35 online who listened to our two panels discuss gender and intersectional approaches to resilience. Eight GRRIPP projects were presenting, each divided into two panels according to the focus of their work:
Panel 1 chaired by Dr Virginie Le Masson focused on “resisting multiple forms of violence in times of crises”. Panellists included Shamim Kabr (IEDS), Lillian Adriko (FIDA Uganda), Graças Xavier (União de Moradia) and Lavanya Shanbhogue (JTSDS)
Panel 2 chaired by Olivia Walmsley focused on “Intersecting disasters: inclusive approaches to resilience”. Panellists included Claudia Cardenas (GRID), Muna Sharma (Tribhuvan University), Moabia Ferreira dos Anjos (Quilombo do Catucá), and Awfa Islam (University of Dhaka).
Key takeaways from both discussions include:
o Violence is both overt and covert
o Our differences are a resource
o Women are not homogenous
o There is power in collaboration
o Crisis = an opportunity to understand
o Importance of survivor-led advocacy
o Inter-disciplinary approaches are essential

Photos: Panellists take turns to share thoughts throughout the evening seminar. Credit: GRRIPP UK
DAY 5 - Friday 24th March 2023
Activity #7 (MANCHESTER): JTSDS networks at the University of Manchester
Prof Jacquleen Joseph (Dean, Jamsetji Tata School of Disaster Studies - JTSDS) and Lavanya Shanbhogue Arvind, Assistant Professor at JTSDS, visited the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI) at the University of Manchester along with Awfa Islam of Dhaka University and Raisa Chowdhury GRRIPP South Asia.
Several faculty members from HCRI including Professor Larissa Fast, Director of HCRI, and Dr. Birte Vogel, Deputy Director, warmly welcomed the South Asian delegation. Discussions on potential avenues for institutional collaboration including research and student exchanges were discussed.

Photo: Group pic with colleagues from HCRI at the University of Manchester. Credit: Raisa Chowdhury
Activity #8 (LONDON) Meeting UCL MAPS Faculty
Also on Friday, but back in London, Catherine Nanzige Mbabali and Lillian Gladys (FIDA Uganda), Muna Sharma and Chandrakala Sharma (Tribhuvan University), Kazi Khadem UI Islam Shahidullah (Bangladesh University of Professionals), and Shamim Kabir (IEDS) were invited to meet with the MAPS Faculty at UCL.
They were welcomed by Professor Ivan Parkin, Dean of Mathematical & Physical Sciences (MAPS); Professor Ofer Lahav, Vice-Dean (International) and Professor Nick Achilleos, Vice-Dean (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion).

Photo: GRRIPPers meet MAPS Faculty at UCL. Credit: GRRIPP UK
Activity #9 (LONDON): Latin American Women's Rights Networking
Elsewhere in London, GRRIPP LAC awardees - Moabia Ferreira dos Anjos (Quilombo do Catuća), Marília Nepomuceno Pinheiro (Cosmoncleação Regenerativa), Maria das Graças de Jesus Xavier and Yolanda Nuñez (from União de Moradia), Claudia Cecilia Gonzalez Muzzio and Claudia Cardenas (GRID), and Lourdes Fernanda Meyreles de Ruiz (LAC Advisory Board) - met with the Latin American Women's Rights Services for networking and discussions around women's rights.

Photo: GRRIPP LAC projects engage in networking. Credit: GRRIPP UK.
Activity #10 (LONDON): Closing Session and Farewells
Before we knew it, it was the end of the week and the end of our time together in London!
Louisa Acciari led the final session which involved GRRIPPers standing in a circle and sharing each of our thoughts on the week. There was laughter and tears but overall, it was an amazing week with huge amounts of knowledge shared and connections strengthened.

Photo: Last activity of the week, as GRRIPPers share their experiences. Credit: GRRIPP UK
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