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Care and territories in Latin America and the Caribbean: a gender and 
intersectionality approach to experiences facing climate change challenges

With the objective of extending the path traveled by the projects that belong to GRRIPP Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), we published our first book. Hope the reading of it allows you to continue developing research, policies and practices around gender responsive, resilience and intersectionality for the integration of the past, present and future of our communities in the disaster risk management, facing the challenges of climate change.


This book has been prepared, having the framework of the 'Gender Responsive, Resilience & Intersectionality in Policy & Practice (GRRIPP) - Networking Plus Partnering for Resilience' project. The aforementioned project seeks to generate networks between academics, representatives, politicians and professionals from three regions of the world: Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as Southeast Asia.


The voices represented on each page of this book reflect proposals developed in Latin American contexts. This is in order to promote the gender perspective, as well as intersectionality in transformative actions for disaster risk management and adaptation to climate change.


Pablo Vega Centeno and Belén Desmaison

Publication date:


Number of pages:



Gender responsive, intersectionality, resilience, disaster risk management and climate change

Publication languages:

Spanish, english and portuguese

Organizations leading

Argentine Network of Municipalities Against Climate Change

The GRRIPP Project concluded on the 30 April 2024 but we would love to continue the network we have grown over the past 4 years. To continue GRRIPPs legacy, please subscribe to our formal mailing list by clicking here. 

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