Green Households: Solid waste management with a focus on domestic work
Places of ocurrence:
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Implementing organizations:
Federación Nacional de Mujeres Trabajadoras (FENAMUTRA); Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadoras Domésticas (SINTRADOMES); Asociación de Trabajadoras del Hogar (ATH).
Main objective:​
​To provide skills for solid waste management and recycling to women domestic workers in Santo Domingo and to influence the fight against women.
Main results:
45 women domestic workers acquired skills in solid waste management, recycling, handicrafts, and ecofeminism.
Entrepreneurship was fostered in 45 women domestic workers through selling objects produced in the workshops.
Actors from public institutions sensitized on gender violence and environmental policies through the proclamation "Don't attack me! A cry for Mother Nature".