Autonomy in the territory and habitat management: Collective construction of knowledge with an intersectional and climate change approach in La Planada Nature Reserve
Places of ocurrence:
La Planada Nature Reserve, Department of Nariño, Colombia
Implementing organizations:
Noddo ONG
Main objective:​
​Contribute to the strengthening and sustainability of the livelihoods of the Awá population of the Pialapí Indigenous Resguardo - Pueblo Viejo, understanding their habitat, culture, and territory through the analysis of the impact of climate change and the dynamics of intersectionality.
Specific objectives:
To understand the livelihoods and ways of life of the Awá community of the RPPV, identifying variations and impacts as a consequence of climate change.
To understand the relations of power, intersectionality, and gender linked to the conservation and restoration of the territory to strengthen women's participation, encouraging equity in the decision-making bodies about the domain and the Scientific and Nature Tourism project.
Joint construction of a Didactic Guide with practical tools that strengthen the community's capacities in their development and promote the Scientific and Nature Tourism project.